Charleston Chatter
@HolyCitySinner is tweet of the town
11,000: That’s how many followers the best Twitter feed in Charleston has, according to the City Paper’s Best of Charleston 2014, has. The account belongs to Christian Senger, more commonly known as @HolyCitySinner. Pushing out daily content, he is an authority on all happenings in Charleston. “I don’t really know why people follow Holy City Sinner," he jokes. "I think that people appreciate that the site is straightforward and gives a variety of information.” As he laughs at himself, it’s evident that there’s a humble truth behind his laugh, or LOL, if you will. His Twitter feed is so popular because it’s so relevant and reliable. In many ways, it's better than watching the news. He informs the Twitter-verse of things they care about, like “Modest Mouse plays the @NchasColisuem PAC tomorrow.” Or, he’ll spice it up with his special brand of humor: “I’m at a @ChasFashionWeek tweet-up. Clearly, I was invited by mistake #chsfw.”
Social media, Twitter especially, is a driving force in bringing together communities and relaying important information to the masses. The best thing about social media is that it doesn’t discriminate. No one gets picked last for kickball teams. Anyone can now reach out to people they would have never dreamed of before social media. Other Twitter accounts Senger recommends for staying up to date with everything Charleston are:
@PhillipLive5 (Phillip Weiss from Live 5)
Other informative Twitter accounts in the Charleston area are:
Christian Senger, AKA @HolyCitySinner